(この前にあいさつ文などがありますが省略。下記の"The right is" 云々というのは、添付写真で右側に写っているゲームの意味です)
The right is "Senkan Yamato" by Tsukuda Original, Jamanese gamemaker, in English, "Battleship Yamato".
The company was a division of Tsukuda Co., which has had reputation of development of "Othello" in 1973, an variant game of "Reversi".
In 1974, Tsukuda separated its manufacture division which was Tsukuda Original.
And the sales activity of "Othello" was brought to Tsukuda Original.
In 1980's Tsukuda Original has brought many wargames out. Not only Japanese Game but also, licensed games, "Rubik's Cube", "Cosmic Encounter", "Quirks" et al.
In 2002, it has been acquired by Bandai but in 2003 it has been in bankruptcy.
Today, it was rebuilt as PalBox Co., but doesn't sale any wargame.
Tukuda Original had some lineups.
First and most of the games were tactical wargames.
"Senkan Yamato" was the 1st game of the tactical combat games lineup. The 2nd game was "Kokubokan", in English "Aircraft Carrier".
Tactical combat lineup has sea, land , air combat games , and anime combat games. Anime combat games were most popular, "Mobilesuit Gundam", "Aurabattler Dunbine", "Armoredtrooper VOTOMS", "Starwars"(exactly it's not anime) et al.
They are called as "Datagame" which was named by including many data cards in its component. Some were good and others were not.
Second, WW2 operational wargames.
"Trade rader" : campaign of Atlantic ocean, "8th AirForce" : campaign over western Europe et al.
Third, "Sengoku" games, which were medieval Japanese campaigns.
4th, others (including RPG sysems).
Now ,change the subject to "Senkan Yamato".
Sorry , I don't have it.
But I saw it.
And it looks like AH's "Airforce" or "Bismark".
Including 6 mapboards, 600 die-cut counters, 40 Datacards of the 80 type vessels.
Each Datacard has class name, ship's name, top&side views, speed, armor,buoyancy, gunpower and torpedo factor.
The playing sequence is to repeat recording and moving simultaneously.
Each turn represents 10 minutes daytime, 5 min. nighttime. Each hex represents 1 nautical mile daytime, 0.5 n-mile nighttime.
Each counter represents individual vessel. Rules are structured by 3 steps, 1st: basic, 2nd: advance, 3rd: optional.
Basic rule is to resolve movement and bombardment in daytime.
Advanced rule is to add nighttime movement and bombardment including radar using, torpedo attack.
Optional rule is to install fleet mevement restriction, using smoke , additional torpedo attack sequence.
For me, the sequence of recording and moving for number of each vessel is dull and not enjoyable.
I wonder you wish to play such sequence.
If you wish to get more information, I can help you.